Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week three already!
I'm encouraged this week, I'm starting to see results. This is true for all beginners at anything I think. It's keeping up the results that matter.
I've started to see my mile time come down by a whole minute! My clothes are getting a little looser. Only lost a whopping 1 lb. so far, but my body's starting to shift in a good way. I'm still sore after workouts, but not incapacitated. I do look arthritic at times, especially bending down to pick up things.
The DFB running class on Sat. with Coach Terry is still proving to kick my butt! This Sat. we did a tempo run. We all thought a tempo run sounded nice. Not so. It's running just below your anaerobic threshold and it's quite uncomfortable to say the least. There's no way I would ever push myself that fast on my own, so thank you Terry and my fellow running partners!
I am now looking forward to my long, slow run on Monday.
By the way, I also did the Compu-trainer Intro class right after the run, rubber legs and all. There's something to be said for a powerbar, Gatorade and a great instructor because I made it through and had a good time!

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