Monday, March 2, 2009

Flip the Switch

Was it just me or did February just fly by? This ended up to be a great training month. I can't explain it, but I'll's like a switch was flipped.

The other weekend I did the second bike time trial. I had high hopes of really increasing my watts and was well coached and set up to do so. In the end my time was about the same and I only uped my watts by a measley 2 at the TT. I was majorly caught up in my numbers and my performance, which were not great.

I felt really crappy and disappointed with myself. My workouts have been good, but right when you're about to go for it, something holds you back. I haven't talked to Coach Matt about this, but I sense he knows when someone's holding back and is just waiting for you to "get it". Suppose the reasons for it are different for everyone (assuming this happens to anyone else). Me, I finally realized what I was doing to myself. I was getting in my own way. Overthinking what I should be doing when I should just do what I need to do. I was also sucking all the fun out of it. I totally lost sight of what I'm actually able to do, especially being new to all of this.

So after that proverbial light was switched on and I stepped aside, training has just taken on a new perspective. A lot of us are so conditioned to say- oh this is so hard, this sucks, when will it end. I may still say it out of habit, or sometimes it might be true, but really...I love this stuff! I've never pushed like this. It's become a joy and it's fun and I'm finally starting to get it now! I get why people do this. I can't wait to push myself through that mental block that says no you can't. I'm excited to see what I can do, and also improve my numbers for the next TT, but the only way you can get there is to step aside and let it happen and remember to enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I say "That sucked" pretty much every time I press myself into the twilight zone, but I feel proud of myself at the same time. I don't know if it's a joy, or not, but it's highly addictive and I like hanging out with all the achievers of nutty stuff!. You're kickin butt, as usual. Nice work Andrea!

Steve F